Research and book Ritorno all’abitare. Una cooperativa in città

A project / research for SEAO cooperative

The cooperative type that maintains the property undivided is a peculiar one, especially when, after more than 130 years of history, this is revealed as one of the best ways of dwelling. How this optimum way of living together could be still actual? Is it possible to plan the city in a way that permits this kind of social enterprise to expand? How is the architecture of this special kind of houses? The project investigates alternatives with a dense but low rise development, with shared but also intimate dwelling spaces. Particular attention is given to a construction system sustainable and affordable.

Chiara Quinzii, Diego Terna, An old way of living, yet innovative, in Amateur Cities, 05 2015
Back to housing, 5 conferences at Milan Politecnico

Type / Program: Research
Client: SEAO – Società Edificatrice Abitazioni Operaie
Location: Milan (IT)
Year: 2010 – 2012
Graphic Design: Davide Rapp
Publisher: Lettera Ventidue Edizioni